2nd Edition of the Lamarr Lab Visits in Dortmund

In November, our Lamarr team came together for the second time since the start of the institutional funding phase. After the first edition in Bonn in April, this time we had the pleasure of hosting our colleagues from our partner institutes, the University of Bonn and Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS. Lamarr scientists, PIs and the entire PR team exchanged ideas in exciting workshops at TU Dortmund University and got to know each other's research and each other better as well.
The three intensive days began with a hackathon and a session on OpenSource Large Language Models (LLMs). In the following workshops, including Resource-aware ML, Embodied AI and Hybrid ML, the broad research landscape of Lamarr was fanned out. A fascinating tour through the robotics hall of our partner Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML was also part of the program. At the end of the event, the scientists engaged in a discussion about potential applications of Machine Learning in the field of Astrophysics.
The event was organized by our colleague and postdoc Lukas Pfahler and his colleague Sebastian Müller from Bonn. The third edition of LabVisits will take place again in Bonn in spring 2024.